Thai delegates view best practice at Hugh Baird College

Posted 4th November 2016
3 minutes read
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On Thursday 20th October 2016, students and staff at Hugh Baird College played host to a group of Thai education leaders, managers and government officials looking to view excellence in vocational learning and in particular in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

The visit was part of a wider, longer term project organised by education consultancy company Think, Learn Challenge! (TLC!) under the auspices of the British Council and Thailand’s Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) with the support from the Newton Fund.

By working in partnership with the Thai Colleges, TLC! has devised a STEM curriculum for science-based vocational colleges across Thailand. Teaching of the first module began in October 2016. The delegation visited Hugh Baird College to experience first-hand how vocational teaching is delivered in an inclusive two way manner between tutor and student.

Over the course of the visit the group met with students and staff from electrical, motor vehicle and engineering departments at the College and toured the realistic industry standard workshops in which the students are trained.

Hugh Baird College Assistant Principal, Paula Rowland, who hosted the visited said:

“We are delighted that the group chose Hugh Baird College to visit in order to view best practice in vocational teaching. At Hugh Baird College we pride ourselves on the outstanding learning experience our students enjoy thanks to the knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff we employ.”

“The group were particularly interested in the Study Programmes the students follow and were impressed by the level of employer involvement and visits that our students benefit from. They were also impressed by successful careers many of our past students have progressed on to since developing their skills at Hugh Baird College.”

Dewi Roberts and Mark Thomas, partners at TLC!, said:

“What the group saw today was a College delivering vocational learning in an effective and enjoyable manner with learners enthused and engaged throughout. On behalf of the whole group of delegates, we would like to thank the students and staff at Hugh Baird College for their warm welcome and excellent hospitality throughout the day.”