Make CIC to transform vacant building in historic Hamilton Square in to hub for arts, culture & creativity; and revive a community garden

Posted 25th June 2019
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Project is forecast to produce £1,600,000 of social impact for Wirral

This summer, social enterprise Make CIC is set to start work transforming a largely vacant building in Hamilton Square in to a destination for the arts, culture and creative entrepreneurs. It will be a hive of activity which will also include a community garden and urban farm; in addition to a cafe, creative studios and meeting space offer.

To be named Make Hamilton Square, this creative hub will provide opportunities for the local community and visitors alike. People will be able to take part in a diverse offer including events, classes and opportunities to learn skills and crafts.

The biggest transformation will take place outside, with the revival of the currently neglected “millennium garden” in to a community garden space, just off Hamilton Square. Plans include a small urban farm with raised beds for growing vegetables; well-being space for sitting, reading, and meeting people; and an outdoor courtyard for the cafe in the day and events at night.

Later this month Make Hamilton Square will launch a £5,000 crowdfunding campaign for support with the initial set-up costs of reviving the garden. The campaign #MakeHamiltonGrow will seek support to build planters, seats and even bee-hives with the aim of creating an urban green oasis open to everyone. There will be opportunities for people to help by rolling up their sleeves, learn skills and get involved over the summer.

Local organisations are working with Make Hamilton Square to ensure new opportunities around creative entrepreneurship, craft, making and STEM skills are accessible to local residents through educational workshops, hosted in the hub. This is paired with Wirral Council’s ambition for greater footfall through expanding the leisure and cultural offer in the area and the legacy of Wirral’s year as borough of culture.

A social impact forecast has been conducted on the project by First Ark which found that the project has the opportunity to create £1.6 million of social impact for Wirral over the next five years. This focuses on creating opportunities and improving well-being of those involved.

Make CIC co-founder and director, Kirsten Little, said “there are so many good things happening in Birkenhead. We’re excited to start working with local partners to fit in and provide opportunities for the community that isn’t there yet.”

Make CIC co-founder and CEO, Liam Kelly, said “Make CIC was started seven years ago in response to a period of challenging mental health for me as I found myself isolated working from home. We are now focused on removing barriers for people and sometimes that can be as simple as not spending all day in isolation, learning a craft or just meeting new people.”

Cllr Chris Spriggs, Wirral’s Cabinet member for Culture and Tourism, said: “As part of the legacy of our year as Borough of Culture for Liverpool City Region, Make Hamilton Square will support creative people and businesses in Wirral in 2019 and beyond. It’s a promising venture which will encourage new and existing talent to flourish, increase local entrepreneurship and help creative and digital companies to grow boosting our local economy.”

Make CIC (formally called Make Liverpool) is a social enterprise co-founded by Kirsten Little and Liam Kelly in 2012. Make CIC operates two spaces currently; Make Baltic in Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle and Make North Docks in Ten Streets.

Make CIC’s mission, as a social enterprise, is “to remove barriers to people joining the economy, by making things themselves and becoming self-sufficient”

Kirsten Little is a local artist living in Birkenhead. She attended Wirral Metropolitan College to study her Foundation Art.

Liam Kelly is the Chair of the Baltic Triangle Area CIC and member of the Creative & Digital Board of the LCR LEP. Liam was born in Birkenhead and also attended Wirral Metropolitan College.

Make CIC was co-founded by Liam following a period of mental health crisis in 2012, triggered by being isolated working from home. The solution was to create a space which took well being seriously and allowed people to be support each other as freelancers and sole traders.

Make Hamilton Square is raising £100,000 of financial support to undertake the project of which £5,000 of this total will come from the crowdfunding campaign and £23,000 of this total will come from a grant from Wirral Council. Other confirmed backers include Finsa, Arriva, Baltic Creative, FACT Co, Beautiful Ideas Co.