Merseyrail announce the release of information videos on the new trains

Posted 1st March 2018
3 minutes read
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Merseyrail has today announced that it has released six new factual videos on the new Merseyrail fleet responding to issues of concern to our passengers, local politicians and stakeholders across the City Region.

Andy Heath, Merseyrail Managing Director said, “these videos are about getting closer to our customers so as to provide those people who travel on our network with factual information on the current state of play associated with the introduction of these new trains.”

“The RMT has been consistent in streaming an extremely negative message about the future associated with our new trains. In these videos, I hope to provide everyone concerned with the facts and reassurance around our position in a number of key areas that cover all the questions that people have been asking us.”

“With a further strike having been called for Saturday 3rd March it is important to us that our customers fully understand all of the issues and I have tried to lay these out openly in the videos as an appraisal of where we are. I would also like to emphasise to our customers that we, unlike the RMT, fully support the Metro Mayor’s call for independent conciliation without any preconditions.”

These new videos cover the following six themes:

1. Andy Heath as the new managing director and his sense of pride being a born and bred Liverpudlian, a career railwayman and leading what is a step change for his local rail network.
2. A look ahead of the challenges for Andy’s team.
3. How Merseyrail plans to look after our guards.
4. Resolving the current dispute with the RMT and what it takes.
5. There is a need to modernise not just the new fleet but how we deliver a better customer experience.
6. How will we will continue to ensure customer safety through the new trains.

These videos will be shared widely with our community and they are also available at the following link: