College building relaunched following £5m investment

Posted 8th June 2016
3 minutes read
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St Helens College will host an exciting series of events this week, with the unveiling of the new STEM Centre at the Technology Campus and an award presentation on behalf of the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI).

The STEM Centre, which houses curriculum provision for Engineering, Construction, Motor Vehicle and Animal Management, received a substantial £5million investment. It now boasts a brand new dining area, internal courtyards, entrance piazza, remodelled workshops and classrooms plus a new library space complete with study suites and PC zones.

In attendance will be several employers from various industries aligned with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). They will have the opportunity to view the College’s STEM manifesto as the College works towards STEM assured status and hear proposals for an innovative SMART Lab, a creative space offering the latest in digital fabrication equipment.

Rob Molloy, Deputy Principal said, “The STEM Centre highlights the College’s commitment to further embed science, technology, engineering and mathematics within our core curriculum, enhancing the student experience of STEM subjects and meeting the needs of employers and stakeholders within the Liverpool City Region.

He added, “We hope this new space will inspire students to learn and really excel in subjects that will create many opportunities for them in the future.”

Coinciding with the launch, the College will be presented with an IMI Recognised Employer Award, held by less than 60 employers in the UK, highlighting the impressive professional standards of the motor vehicle department.

Michelle Barrett, Business Development Manager at IMI said, “I am delighted to present the motor vehicle department at St Helens College with the IMI Recognised Employer Award, honouring their hard work and commitment to improving the professional standards within the motor industry. This award acknowledges that all staff are fully trained, and competent in the services they deliver to the public and local community.”

The official unveiling and presentation will take place on Friday 10th June at 11.00am. It will feature special guests including Conor McGinn, MP and Michelle Barrett, IMI Representative. Students and staff will be invited to celebrate with free refreshments and tours of the STEM Centre facilities and automotive hub.