A new development in West Derby has provided a boost for Liverpool house hunters in search of an affordable new home after five properties were completed and handed over to a housing association.
Redrow has built the new homes as part of its Regency Gardens development, on Mill Lane, and they will now be offered to customers of north west housing association Plus Dane Housing on a Help to Buy basis.
The Regency Gardens development is part of the Liverpool Housing Partnership, which aims to deliver 1,500 new homes across the city.
The development has transformed the old Ernest Cookson school site, which had lain empty since the school relocated in 2010. It features 22 three and four-bedroom homes from Redrow’s Arts & Crafts inspired Heritage Collection including the five three-bedroom affordable properties.
All homes at Regency Gardens are constructed to Lifetime Homes standards, designed to look like any other home but easily adaptable to different stages of people’s lives.
Jim Preston, executive director of assets and development at Plus Dane Housing, said: “This has been an excellent development for Plus Dane producing five very high quality three bedroomed homes for sale at discount prices to residents in Liverpool. I am delighted we have sold four so quickly with the sale on the last home imminent.
“These homes allow Plus Dane to continue to provide a range of new homes and tenures for residents and communities in Liverpool. Details of other properties we have for sale are available at www.homeshub.co.uk.”
Lynnie Hinnigan, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “The Liverpool Housing Partnership has made great progress in converting unused council land into quality affordable homes. These latest new homes at Regency Gardens will make for wonderful properties for people to enjoy and just as importantly get them on to the housing ladder.”
Gareth Stansfield, senior development manager for Redrow in Liverpool, said: “The creation of affordable homes is one of the ways our new developments in Liverpool are providing wider benefits to the city and creating thriving communities. We are delighted to hand these five properties over to Plus Dane who will soon be welcoming new residents.”
Redrow has only two properties remaining for private sale at Regency Gardens, both three-bedroom detached houses. See www.redrow.co.uk/regencygardens for more information.
To find out more about the affordable homes in Liverpool available to rent or buy through Plus Dane visit www.plusdane.co.uk.
Pictured: Jim Preston, executive director of assets and development at Plus Dane Housing, receives the keys for five brand new affordable homes from Gareth Stansfield, senior development manager for Redrow in Liverpool