Growth continues for Visitor Economy

Posted 24th July 2014
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Liverpool City Region’s Visitor Economy now supports almost 49,000 jobs and generates income in excess of £3.64bn, according to new figures published today (24 July, 2014).

The destination now attracts 53m day visitors annually, and the number of staying visitors has risen to 4.7m.

Findings are contained in the latest independent research commissioned by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Headline city region-wide figures show:

7% increase in tourism revenues from £3.413bn in 2012 to £3.64bn in 2013
6% increase in tourism supported jobs from 45,890 in 2012 to 48,607 in 2013
2% increase in day visitors from 52.13m in 2012 to 52.92m in 2013
2% increase in staying visitors from 4.63m in 2012 to 4.73 in 2013
And for Liverpool alone:

8% increase in tourism revenues from £2.251bn in 2012 to £2.425bn in 2013
7% increase in tourism supported jobs from 29,833 in 2012 to 31,920 in 2013
1.5% increase in day visitors from 30.14m in 2012 to 30.58m in 2013
5% increase in staying visitors from 2.11m in 2012 to 2.22m in 2013
Sara Wilde McKeown, chair of the Visitor Economy Board for the LEP, said: “These figures are extremely encouraging and underline the appeal and popularity of our destination.

“With further significant developments including new hotels, last week’s hugely successful Open Championship in Hoylake, this week’s Giant Spectacular and a host of other major events, we fully expect further growth on these figures in 2014. Looking ahead to 2015, there will be more hotel openings, the new Exhibition Centre at ACC Liverpool and the Cunard 175th anniversary which will further boost figures.”

These figures are published by the STEAM (Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor) model which is used throughout the UK tourism industry to measure economic impact of the Visitor Economy.

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