Business backs High Speed Rail campaign

Posted 11th August 2014
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Business leaders will be pledging their support for the High Speed Rail – Linking Liverpool campaign, at an event in the city tomorrow (August 12).

Major City Region organisations such as Chambers of Commerce, Downtown in Business, the Institute of Directors, CBI, Professional Liverpool and the Federation of Small Businesses have been invited to launch a business engagement programme led by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

The aim of the programme is to secure pledges of support for the campaign from at least 1,000 businesses from across the City Region.

They will be asked to back the campaign to bring High Speed Rail into Liverpool city centre – which has already attracted support from more than 4,000 members of the public.

After the formal launch on Tuesday, businesses from every sector will be invited to a High Speed Rail forum on September 4 – when they can find out more about the direct benefits and pledge support.

Robert Hough, Chair of the LEP, said: “We know that many businesses in the City Region already recognise the benefits a High Speed link would bring, but we want to get that message over to all businesses – and demonstrate to Government that there is an overwhelming, evidence-based case for such a link.

“We’re hoping to see many of businesses come along to the public forum next month and hear about how important HS2 will be to our economy. We think HS2 will be critical in attracting more businesses and tourism visitors and will also be a key contribution to increasing the capacity of SUPERPORT.”

Research shows that businesses would benefit from:

An overall £8.3bn boost to the Liverpool City Region economy.
14,000 new jobs.
An additional £30m a year in business rates, meaning more money for local services.
20,000 more people looking to make the Liverpool City Region their home.
723,000 additional visitors, spending around £87m, supporting around 1,740 additional jobs and £66m in annual GVA.
In addition, High Speed 2 would support the region’s ‘freight and logistics hub’ aspirations, increasing capacity for freight movements within the City Region and from here to the national network. That alone could mean up to 20,000 new jobs being created throughout the City Region.

Andrew Morris, Director of business organisation 20 Miles More, said: “We’re fully supportive of the High Speed Rail – Linking Liverpool campaign and believe High Speed Rail and the connectivity it will bring will be welcomed by every business.”

The September event will also focus on High Speed Rail and its role within the Long Term Rail Strategy, setting out how rail schemes will grow and support the Liverpool City Region economy over the next 30 years.

Businesses can pledge their support at