Key Project Information
Project Name: Inspiring Futures
Lead Organisation: Crosby Training
ESF value: £247,561
Duration: 2016 - 2018
Contact: Lorraine Michaels
Project summary
The Inspiring Futures project supports adult jobseekers and other unemployed adults, especially long term workless adults, in accessing employment opportunities. The project focuses on the most disadvantaged, for example those with health conditions, lone parents, carers and the BME community.
Beneficiaries receive information, advice and guidance, training (including job related and job seeking skills), support with basic skills, confidence building, advice / support regarding debt, volunteering, work experience and travel support.
The project also provides a free minibus pick up service to support participants with access to training, interviews and first stages of employment. Confidence building through use of a professional salon providing image improvements and makeovers. Other support to remove barriers e.g. debt advice, health and lifestyle and dental referrals.
The project is delivered by Crosby Training, a private sector provider.
Expected Key Outputs / Results
606 individuals will be given support to assist then into work, with education or training, vocational skills, basic skills and / or personal and social development.