Chair Asif Hamid welcomes Metro Mayor announcement

Posted 5th May 2017
2 minutes read
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Welcoming the announcement, Asif Hamid, Chair of the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) said: “I want to congratulate Steve Rotheram on being elected as the first Metro Mayor for the Liverpool City Region. This is an important and historic moment for our City Region.”

“Having a Combined Authority and an elected Metro Mayor with devolved resources and powers from central government puts the City Region in greater control of our economic future and gives us an unprecedented opportunity to make a real difference to the lives and prospects of our residents.”

Asif added: “The LEP is fully committed to supporting the Metro Mayor and Combined Authority in a dynamic and compelling partnership to realise the outstanding potential for inclusive growth in our City Region. We look forward to working together to harness the many talents of our community, to stimulate business growth, drive productivity, create new jobs, upskill our people and attract new investment to our City Region – in a clear, strong and united approach.”